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A book about how you find inspiration for your photography.

25 Euro / 27 USD

108 pages. 114 pictures.

You get this ebook for free when joining a workshop.

You get this ebook for free when joining a workshop.
If you struggle to find something interesting to photograph, try putting the camera away. Instead, start thinking about what you look at when you are not taking pictures.
I have written this book because I have witnessed many people struggling to find inspiration, as I have in between. But there is a way to find the passion and the inspiration. This is what this book is about.


A book about how you find inspiration for your photography.

25 Euro / 27 USD

108 pages. 114 pictures.

Please note: When your order is processed you are directed to a page where you find the link to download your copy of the E-book.

You get this ebook for free when joining a workshop.
If you struggle to find something interesting to photograph, try putting the camera away. Instead, start thinking about what you look at when you are not taking pictures.
I have written this book because I have witnessed many people struggling to find inspiration, as I have in between. But there is a way to find the passion and the inspiration. This is what this book is about.