What camera would you bring?
A small fun survey but with great value for my planning of future workshops. What camera would you like to bring for a workshop in…
Is the modern camera too perfect?
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how much the camera matters to capture a good photo. I have blattered through some of the…
What camera should I buy?
The most asked question is “What camera should I buy?” This is a universal ongoing question I often get, so I decided to write up…
Adi Zukanovi
Hvordan tager man lige fotos af en musiker, når han ikke spiller musik på sit gamle instrument, og er hjemme i sin lejlighed i København?…
Classic Car race
Smukke og hurtige biler indfanget til TV2/Fyn. Havde fornøjelsen af at stå på sidelinien og forsøge at indfange stemningen fra bilræs på Sydfyn, hvor Historisk…
Gadefoto (streetphoto), er en populær genre indenfor fotografiet. Det er også en af de sværeste discipliner, fordi det kræver man er ekstrem opmærksom, at man…
Christmas decorations
Went to a local castle today, and had a few minutes to capture some Christmas mood. Fuji X100.