Street Photography rules and ethics
It’s important to know the rules of privacy in open spaces when we take pictures in the streets. When are you crossing the line and violating private space? When are you safe and can take the motive you want? In this video, I go through the do’s and don’ts, as well as look at the ethics worth considering. GDPR is an important factor to have in mind when we take pictures.
In this video I go through the do’s and don’ts, as well as I look at the ethics worth considering.

One Comment
Gary Goldsmith
Dear Morten, Thanks very much for a clear, respectful and common sensical review of ethics. One element I’d like to add, is that if we all observe these rules, it would make it easier for the public in general to understand that the photography community is not out to exploit, mock or manipulate. Rather, the goal is esthetic and humane. It would result in an increase in acceptance and a decrease in suspicion of the photographers’ aims. Ojalá!