Smooth bokeh
BOKEH VINtage cars Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Soft bokeh For many years I have sworn to the soft bokeh (out of focus area) at the Leica…
Sony A7r IV for stills and television
MAKING IT POSSIBLE SONY A 7rIV SET UP Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Storytelling with small cameras Television has some standards and traditions among cameramen. In my…
Last portraits of 2015
I wish you a happy new year with the last two portraits made in 2015. TV2/Fyn paper presenting the television station news for newspaper readers.…
Portrait of the Chief Physician
Chief Physician Henrik Oemark, Denmark. From the television series about the new digital society at TV2/Fyn http://www.tv2fyn.dk/article/534764:Overlaege–Vi-risikerer-at-glemme-patienten
Fiskerne / Fishermen
På vores rejse rundt i det fynske, møder vi mange dejlige mennesker. Bl.a. disse to gæve fiskere i Bagenkop. Senere på året kan du se…